Da-Lite Heavy Duty Fast-Fold Deluxe Replacement Surface Projection Screen

Da-Lite Heavy Duty Fast-Fold Deluxe Replacement Surface Projection Screen

These replacement surfaces are specifically designed to interface with the Da-Lite Heavy Duty Fast-Fold Deluxe Screen frames.

Please select desired size and viewing surface from the table below to view the price and more information about the product. Clicking on the viewing surfaces shown in the table will open a new tab further explaining the surface.

Heavy Duty Fast Fold Deluxe Replacement Surfaces
Da-MatDa-Tex (Rear)HC Da-TexDual VisionUltra Wide Angle
8'6" x 14'4"3423899822998269983835476
10' x 17'3424087299957388732335478
11' x 19'3424287300957398732435480
11'6" x 19'8"3424399823998279983935481
12'3" x 21'3424487301957408732535482
13' x 22'4"3424699824998289984035484
14'6" x 25'3424887302957438732635486
16' x 27'6"3425099825998299984135488
7' x 9'3423384830957328486635471
8'6" x 11'3423484831957338486735472
10' x 13'3423684833957358486935474
11'6" x 15'3423984835957378487135477
13' x 17'3424141604957428151035479
16' x 21'3424541607957448151135483
19' x 25'3424941616957458151335487
Side-by-Side 4:3
9' x 25'3424741592957418150835485
11' x 11'3423584832957348486835473
13' x 13'3423784834957368487035475